The Landmark Anesthesia Medical Group website is provided for information and education purposes only and is not intended to offer specific medical advice to anyone. No doctor/patient relationship is established through its use. No diagnosis or treatment is being provided via this website. All health and health-related information contained within this website is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a physician of your choice. Although every effort is made to ensure that the material within our website is accurate and timely, it is provided for the convenience of the website user and you should not rely on it. No guarantees or warranties are made regarding any of the information contained within our website. Instead, you should consult with your health care provider concerning your and your family's medical condition, treatment and needs. Landmark Anesthesia Medical Group takes no responsibility for websites linking to, or linked from, this site. Such hyperlinking does not imply any endorsements of the linked sites.


The Landmark Anesthesia Medical Group follow HIPAA privacy and security regulations closely to ensure patient medical information is protected. Our anesthesiologists and staff receive HIPAA training notifications annually, and anytime new regulations are released. Below are some basic questions and answers regarding HIPAA. As a patient, it is important to understand HIPAA privacy and security policies.